Monday, August 30, 2010

Next Years Games

I forget what happened this past year as my memory has been going...anyway the date is set for next years Games.

August 13, 2010
KPMG 10: A Decade of Battle or the Return of Team BMI 43

how many fucking times do i have to win this shit?

fuck you all.

and carl, bauer's approach in frisbee golf was the same as mine. subtract one stroke from my score = new course record (from the women's tees, of course).

next year shannon will be in top condition. he's training with 4 koreans all winter in minton. mauf will not be good. i will dominate everything else.

thank you for losing to me. fuckers.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Simple Equation....You Guys = Pussies, We = Fat Champs

Yo, that says the poll is closed...what gives? Bauer and Carl are busy being fat and out of shape....I, too am quite fat but not out of shape.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Kpmg 9

Ok you fucks, this is the last year for KPMG to be held at the hallowed grounds. Next year we will be celebrating the decade at our new the meantime, lets make 9 the year for craziness. We can trash Chiyo's house and not clean it up...oh wait, thats what you fat fucks do every year!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Friday, March 12, 2010

number 8

is everyone getting in shape for the season?