Thursday, May 8, 2008

The Council has Spoken

After discussion with the Council of Elders (Moerder and I), the official date of the Kirby Puckett Memorial Games : 7 is.....Saturday, August 23rd at 10 AM. Early arrival is recommended.

Me, Bauer and Carl
Brooks, Riegal and Hafer
Moerder, McCowan and Rowe/Brent Beissel?
Malone, Heins and Walborn
Otto, Chris Beissel and White or Brent Beissel?

Any suggestions in regards to the teams are highly recommended. The day before we will have a volunteer get-together to prepare the hallowed lands and clean up the yard for The 'Yo. This will provide the grounds with proper feng shui for the event. Also, I recommend we have a serious fucking party Saturday night.

Now, I believe we should lay out the games:
badminton (doubles and singles)
quoits or shoes?
frisbee golf
Trivial pursuit?
Tug of War?

I cannot think of the other games. I think 8 games is good for a days work. (Please, when pronouncing the games with the question marks...please say them as though it is a question.)

War. Peace. Harmony. These my friends, are the Kirby Puckett Memorial Games.

1 comment:

ACarl said...

I would really like a scavenger hunt. I think it would make the Games real fun. Nothing too long and we have an outside group that creates that Hunt to eliminate favoritism.

I'm going to try and get Keppley to have another party the night of the Games so we can drink an alarming amount, play laser tag, and ride his horses.