Thursday, May 22, 2008

KPMG Leader Shirt

I was thinking we could get a few Kirby Puckett jerseys and perhaps use them as the leader shirt. Each member of the current leading team would sport the Puckett jersey, a la Tour de France. We could tally points after each event to figure out who would sport the proper wear.

P.S. Hahn is a shitty KPMG contestant. He was absolutely horrific in 1 and 2 and has the attention span of a lab rat. Although, I would like to hear some Japo banter during the games.


tim said...

asshole, i only participated in 1 kpmg (not sure if it was 1 or 2) but anyway your just pissed i beat you in badminton while drinking a beer

Dane Miller said...

Hahaha, bullshit. I shit on your face and you had to take shots of Canadian Hunter.

Walborn said...

talked to malone this weekend miller he said as far as he knows he is in, ill remind him when it gets closer.