Also, the hot weather this week is reminding me of KPMG season. DO we have an order of events to optimize the time and mood of the competitors? Let's open it up for discussion so dane here can throw in his two cents.
Andy that was the lamest post I've ever read.
I now have a large uncircumcised black cock. Fucking right. I did like Andy's organization of the former Dutch Touch employees.
I forgot that, to be un-lame, I need to put up half of a link and a picture of a black man. It was a slow day in the KPMG press room.
its a fuckin whole link you pussy. copy and paste and quit yer whinin.
and carl, why you gotta be so racist? i didn't even notice he was black until you pointed it out just now. i simply posted the picture because of the irony of a 6'7" 200lb basketball player in high school getting way more press than the "real deal" dane miller.
The link that I copied took me to a page with Raphael Nadal on the cover. I had to fix the link with out the backslash to take me to the story. Inconsequentially speaking, fek you.
I didn't notice he was black until Dane made his giant black dick comment or something of those sorts. I personally just saw an athlete comparable to John Wallace of Syracuse fame. Now that you mention it, he really is black. Wow.
Can;t wait for Phil Mickelson to go out with us after the Games in August. Heard he's a riot.
Croquet needs to remain first... that much cannot be disputed.
Learn how to post a fucking link, n00b
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