Thursday, July 10, 2008

Phek Hugh

I am back in the area of the Hallowed Grounds. You are all hopelessly preparing. This is a new fucking dawn.....SONS!!! Here is a new list of players...

Brooks, Hafer, (Stamm?, Otto?)
Moerder, Chris Beissel, White? Is White in or what? I believe McCowan is out.
Heins, Malone, Walborn
Me, Bauers, A. Carl

What am I missing? Also, the Yo demands that we try to keep our swearing down from 4-7 because Stephen Stauss is having an open house for his wedding.


ACarl said...

We can't swear but can we make religiously charged comments?

Heinsy said...

Polygamy jokes ABOUND!!

Dane Miller said...

Also, I think maybe Brent Beissel would be good to throw in, instead of White.