Wednesday, May 7, 2008

I've seen my template for posts have gone by the way side. I haven't seen a decent SV grad.'s name in writing for days.

Ok, here is what I was suggesting we do. I think that late in to August isn't swell. Dane told me if we have it that late in August it won't be permitted at Chiyo's domain because classes start the next Monday for her. I think, above all things, we do anything to accommodate The 'Yo so we can have it in its rightful venue. Also, my aforementioned statement about wanting it on a Saturday remains the same.

My vote, August 16th.


Dane Miller said...

The 'Yo apparently will allow us to have KPMG on August 23rd which is a SATURDAY. Fucking Moerder has it listed as a Sunday but he is wrong, I believe anyway. So, it will be that Saturday at the hallowed grounds.
Team 1: Hafer, Brooks, Riegel
Team 2: Me, Bauer, Carl
Team 3: Walborn, Heins, Malone
Team 4: Moerder, McCowan, Beissel?

I know I am forgetting people again. My mind is going. Help me out people. FUCK!!! The fat is clogging my brain.

b-$moov said...

excellent - is rowe-bot going to be in the area? why don't we get him a team? or we could have the first ever women's team in kpmg, but we would probably have to look long and hard to find women as lazy as you fuckers.

ACarl said...

I can handle that. Chris said he couldn't be there if it's a Saturday. Is White still alive? He's usually on McCowan and Moerder's team. And will Malone be allowed out of Dauberville with his probation?

Will there be a 5th team?
When do practices start?
Why am I asking so many questions?

Murder said...

Yeah my mistake, that is supposed to be Sunday the 24th, Saturday the 23rd. Is Brent Beissel gonna be around? Why do none of our friends check their email? I'm pretty sure White doesn't even have access to a computer anymore.

Walborn said...

i said something to malone and hes living in pittsburgh atm, carl. Hes gonna try to get back, but needs a more solid date so he can plan around it.

Dane Miller said...

Walborn, what the fuck is Pittsburgh ATM? Automated Teller Machine? If Beissel is committed, he can take one fucking Saturday off to pay tribute to the greatest baseball player ever. FUCK!! So, the official date is August 23rd, the Saturday. Rowe might be able to come back, I don't know if he is sure or not. Ner may not be in attendance because he has a gay ass bachelor party. We could put Brent Beissel on Moerder's team or put White on that team as well. Or make the fifth team and include Otto on a team.

Heinsy said...

atm = "at the moment" in the aforementioned occurance. While used incorrectly because malone is in fact in Pittsburgh indefinately, i'm sure Walborn is sorry for being too lazy to extrapolate the acronym.

Now that that has been cleared up, the XXst/nd/rd/th of August is fine for me.

OMFG, Dane STFU and GFY.

Beissel said...
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Beissel said...

Fuck it, I'm not missing KPG. I'll tell them my cousin has a wedding or something the 23rd to establish a solid lie well in advance.

Count me in.

Walborn said...

ok dane, ill break this down for you in caveman speak

malone not here
tell me when
and i will tell him

roffle u n00b

Dane Miller said...

Chris, I have never encountered anyone who spies on others like yourself. I swear you have full 24 hour surveillance of Zimmy and Captain Caveman (Ryan Hannahoe). I love how Zimmy never looks at the camera in his pictures.