This is a picture taken by me of one of my lieutenants in Quebec in action (note that the plane is beginning to turn away, aborting the landing):

Since then, I was working again on recruiting, this time in the outskirts of Syndey, Australia. It took me a substantially longer time obtain the necessary Laser pointers because I became too lackadasical in my security measures, leading to this:
Also, since the law enforcing authorities in Australia do not wear the same bright red getups as the Canadian Mounted Police, I had several of the Laser pointers I could obtain confiscated. The following picture (from the black box of a plane that nearly crashed as a result of one of my newest recruits) is one of the key pieces of evidence that was used to ban Laser pointers in New South Wales:

I am currently planning recruiting/training trips to South Africa, New Zealand and eventually India. And of course, I work almost non-stop when I'm Stateside in Leesport and the Reading area, State College PA, Blacksburg VA and occaisionally Annapolis and Baltimore MD.
Go fuck yourselves bastages!
nice work LASner
he also fixed my dads eyes erly this yer. he's got glasses-free, 20-20 vision (without barbara walters).
HAHAHA, greatest post EVER!!!
Yeah greatest post ever if I was in 8th grade and laser pointers were all the rage. Or greatest post ever if I was a fat swashbuckling ball licker named Dane Miller. Or greatest post ever if Mark Hafer hadn't posted that hilarious guy getting a worm pulled out of his eye.
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