Mock my librarianism all you want you metal ball throwing turd licker. Well guess what fuckwad, with a little help from a guy called George Boole, I found Ner, you put throwing Trekkie. Thats right, with a little "Ner" AND "Where the fuck is he?" OR "WTF Happened to Ner" NOT "Nerf or nothing" my database spit out the goods.
Ner went back to the 1950s to watch Harry Houdini get out of a straight jacket while dangling from a rope. He thought it'd be a quick in and out job. Boy was he wrong.

He is currently stuck in this clusterfuck and isn't getting out anytime soon. So my mock my skills all you want sissy bitch who is scared of running in a thunderstorm.
Oh and when I am not being a fucking librarian I am in da fucking woods being manly. Which means I actually won't be out of the woods until August 18th. So, if you don't want my manliness at the games go ahead and hold the games on the second weekend. But if you wanna lose to the only man clever enough to find Ner than delay the games til I get back.
Go fuck yourselves gumshoes!
Assblaster, I am not a put thrower. I put the shot...therefore a shot putter. Putting is the movement, not the noun. Also, if you were as fat and slow as me, you would have been afraid of that lightning striking your fat ass as well, hahaha. I am a larger target. Jogging is for gayblades.
Nah Nah Nah fuck wad its a put. Its a compound word Shot-put. Like racecar. You say I am gonna go get in my car not my race! Like Rainbow its a bow made from the action of rain(ing)! I am so much smarter than you its silly.
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