Wednesday, April 16, 2008



My personal feeling is that maybe if we can think of a really good event, like the already-mentioned Leesport scavenger hunt or something else, we should replace tetherball. Maybe I feel this way because I get destroyed in the tetherball competition every year, but I just feel like it is by far the weakest event in the KPG lineup.

Also, the second weekend in August would work fine for me. Miller, can you tell us some stories about when you worked at the apple orchard? My personal favorite was when you jerked off in the truck or under the apple tree or wherever it was.


Murder said...

It's really sad to admit this, but I'm afraid we're going to have to remove tetherball from the games because it's become an "athletic event," and the KPMG rules explicitly state that no event should test the competitor's athleticism too rigorously. We're such fat fucks now...

Alfonze said...

Can I get a PDF of the rules please. I'm new to the whole KPMG and I'd really like to make sure I abide by all the proper procedures. And seriously the 23rd of August, does that fuck up the whole thing? I mean you got 5 Saturdays in August damnit. And I'm gonna miss the first 3.

Murder said...

The current KPMG rules are written on a papyrus scroll buried under the lost ark of the covenant. So no, Hafer, you may not see it. (unless you wanna do some archaeological excavating)

Dane Miller said...

I thought we etched the rules of KPMG in the big rock at the Creek. Haha, that would be sweet. We should start etching our names into the bowl, a la the Stanley Cup. So what should we throw down as the date?

Dane Miller said...

Yes, I did whack it in the truck while waiting for my boss. I did it twice actually. I was horny as hell on numerous different days. A lot runs through your mind while riding a tractor for 8 hours. Perhaps that is what led me to drink heavily at the Fairview every Wednesday.

Murder said...

I can do any date in august basically

Alfonze said...

Make it the 23rd. I won't be back in PA till the 19th.